Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Gevocks in Manhattan. . .

Oh Gevock! The name makes me smile. There are a thousand memories tied to the name! When I met Dave and Darla almost fifteen years ago, I had no idea how deeply they would be engraved on my heart. Although we didn't get to see Darla and Thomas, Kevin and I did get to see Dave and the girls for about an hour during the time we were in Manhattan. This picture reminds me of our wedding day. Dave was the pastor who married us and sent us down the aisle as Mr. and Mrs. (after saying to obey God and "be fruitful and multiply")!! 
I can't believe I used to babysit these girls (and their brother, too!) I don't often feel like I'm getting old, but occasionally, like when I stand next to girls who are almost grown women, I feel like the years are starting to pass! Mary, on the far right, was only 5 when I started spending several evenings a week playing with her and her sister Suzanna, next to me. Now she's heading off to college in a few weeks! After getting to know the girls, along came Thomas and then Kristine. I stayed with the older three kids when Dave and Darla went to the hospital to have Kristine. That was twelve years ago this month! Kevin and I were still just dating! Time and distance makes it difficult for us to get together very often, but when we do, I feel like I'm getting to see family. I love this family and cherish what they mean to me!

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