Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Rothenburg ob der Tauber. . .

We left Deidesheim in the Rheinland-Pfalz region and drove east toward Rothenburg, a medieval walled city just north of Nurnberg. Because my parents met in Nurnberg, I've always wanted to visit. However, because of time, we weren't able to make it that far. The best I could do was snap a shot of the sign showing the way. We were less than 50 miles away. I wish I could have had my mom and dad with me to share their stories as we traveled through Germany.
After checking in to our cute little hotel, which was more of an old home converted into a lodge, we went out for coffee and a snack.
Of course we had to have a bit of apfelstrudel (apple strudel) while in Germany. Actually, this was probably the third or fourth time we had eaten it. It was the first time we had eaten a Schneeball! Schneeballe are shortcut pastries that are popular in Rothenburg. I'm guessing someone had some leftover dough from another dessert and put it all together and threw it in the deep-fat fryer! Out came the Schneeball and it's been a hit ever since! There were fifteen different types to choose from. We chose the powdered sugar Schneeball. They also had plain, chocolate-covered, carmel-covered, and several others. I can't honestly say I liked the pastry all that much, but it was a new adventure! Now I can say I've eaten a Schneeball!! While the pastry itself wasn't much to brag about, the apfelstrudel and espresso hit the spot!

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