Thursday, September 19, 2013

Wisconsin Lakehouse. . .

In July, Emma and I took a little road trip to Wisconsin with our friend Sue and her two girls. Sue's family had been in Brazil with us and had recently returned to the U.S. One of the families that's still there came back this summer for a visit. While in the U.S., they invited several of us to their lake house in Wisconsin. It was just a two-hour drive from here so we headed up there one Saturday morning. I didn't end up getting in the water, but I did end up getting into more poison ivy! Ugh! Although it was contained to my legs, I think it was more painful the second time around! I didn't go for the Prednisone because of the hives, so I just kind of suffered for about three weeks. Hopefully I've learned my lesson!! Emma donned a life jacket and went swimming with the other kids. We had a great day relaxing and eating and swimming.
One of the boys brought me carp eggs. I've never seen them before so it was fascinating!
My friend Tami ended up getting in the water with the kids. Tami is the mom of Ethan, who happens to be Emma's favorite boy in the world! Of all the things she remembers about Brazil, Ethan, the American boy, is at the top of the list!
This is the little river Emma went down in the canoe. She was ecstatic about the ride and I was so proud of her for being so brave!
It was a peaceful place to be. Sue and I spent most of the day there and then drove back before dark. The girls were exhausted and we were, too! It was fun, though, and I'm so glad we went! One Brazilian couple was there so I was able to practice my Portuguese, which is unfortunately getting worse every day:(

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