Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ready for a Run. . .

My Little Runner. . .
This morning I woke up and made an odd, but very good choice. I knew I wasn't going to fall back asleep and Kevin has a business dinner tonight, so he'll be gone for the evening. I really wanted to run today, but if I was going to do it alone (not pushing the jogging stroller with a 25-pound girl in it), I'd need to do it in the morning. I sat on the floor for three minutes, arguing with myself that it would be so much more comfortable to get back into my warm bed with my husband rather than put on running clothes and head outside. The angel on my shoulder won and I quickly threw on some running clothes and shoes. The morning was beautiful and quiet. Few people were up yet, so it was a peaceful, half-hour run. It's almost summer here, so it's warm and the sun is strong. However, today it's overcast and cool. Mmm. . . good choice. I returned home just as Kevin was emerging from our room, dressed for work and ready for his coffee. I stretched, cooled down, and then sat on the couch with him like we have every morning for the last almost-seven years. Besides a warm bed, I hadn't really missed anything and I felt like I'd started the day off right! Normally I run in the evenings with my friend Mollie, but today I needed to do something different or I wouldn't get to run. Anyway, about an hour after Emma woke up, I had showered and was getting ready for class. She'd found my watch and shoes and very matter-of-factly told me, "Mommy, I'm dunna do for a run now." (We're still working on her G sound). I can't wait for the day that she and I get to go for a run together!! We run together all the time, but she's had the easy role of riding in the stroller! Some day we'll go for runs together! I'm looking forward to it! Oh, and every so often, she put her right foot on a pretend starting line and say, "Reddy! Set! Doooooooeeeee!!!" Then she'll take off running as fast as her tiny legs will carry her! (We learned that one from her friend Lilly.) So fun!


Julie said...

Hooray for morning runs! Isn't it the best??? I think we may have some runners on our hands...Mallory does her starting stance and is off also! When we are walking, she tells me to run! Good job!

Brother Steve said...

I could have used that motivation the other day! Glad to hear you aren't missing out on running!