Monday, November 30, 2009

Am I Crazy???

Last night I dreamed that I was shopping in WalMart. I was dancing through the isles with Cinderella music in the background (A dream is a wish your heart makes. . .). Everything was beautiful and shiny and glowing and I was happy.
And in other news. . . two weeks from tomorrow we'll be on a flight to the good ole US of A!! This week though, we're traveling to Porto Alegre where Kevin will be working. We'll stay in the hotel or go shopping or play in the pool while he works during the day.


Anonymous said...

No, not crazy- but pretty funny! Wal-mart?! :) See you SOON! Have fun in P.A. Heard you will be crossing paths with Todd B.

Love! Jennifer

maggitootis said...

Funny. Now I have that song stuck in my head!