Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Arachnophobia. . .

In case the pig didn't gross me out enough, this little guy invaded my home and decided to snuggle under the same blanket that I was using. We had been taking a nap on the couch on Sunday afternoon and decided to get up. I had grabbed the blanket off the closest chair because the stupid flies were landing on me. After 5 minutes of trying to hide under the blanket, I threw it off and told Kevin I was going to get up and be productive. Just as my feet hit the floor, my eyes caught the sight of the biggest, hugest, nastiest spider I think I've ever seen. . . 6 INCHES FROM MYYYYY FOOT!!! That's the closest I've come to peeing my pants in a very long time. It might also be the closest I've come to swearing in a very long time! I jumped back and yelled at Kevin to "LOOK AT HHHHHIIIIIMMMM!!!!", as if he'd missed the tarantula on my floor, and then kept yelling, "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!! NOT IN MY HOME!!!" I was determined to end his life so I grabbed my flip flop and swung with all my might!! Get this: HE DISAPPEARED!!! How in the world he got away from my flip flop, I'll never know, but I wasn't going to let it end there! Kevin said, "He's gone Sandi, we're not going to find him now." I almost strangled him at that point and said, "There is nooooo way I'm living in this house knowing that he might not be dead!" I shook out the blanket and then made Kevin turn over the couch!! BINGO!! There he was, minus part of a leg, but fully alive. I knew without a picture I couldn't really convey the grossness of my story and the camera happened to be within reach. I think Kevin rolled his eyes and said something like, "Are you serious??" when I told him to wait a second! Seconds later, this spider was photographed and DEAD!!! Kevin's aim and strength far exceeded my own and the ugly thing didn't stand a chance! Just to give you an accurate idea of size, the slats of wood on our floors are about 3 inches wide. Have I mentioned that I'd love to be in a snowstorm right now?? OK, not really, but the thought of the spiders and cockroaches being frozen is real nice!!