Monday, December 7, 2009

Block Party. . .

Last Saturday night our neighbors had a Christmas block party, complete with Santa Claus, a potluck, and a roasted PIG. Just in case you couldn't tell what it was. . .

Emma was quite infatuated with the poor pig. Fortunately she didn't really know why he was laying there. She was just curious about his nose and wanted to keep touching it! Maybe I need to get her out more?? By the way, the pig really did kind of gross me out! It just doesn't seem right to me!

We had tons of food (like with most potlucks), and there were decorations everywhere! The biggest difference we noticed here was that we were sweating the entire night! It was probably 85 degrees throughout the evening! When we left after 11, it still felt like it was over 80!! The ladies who threw this together did a great job of planning and decorating and we all had fun!
This street is just a block from our home. There were probably 50-60 people there. Emma ran around with some older girls. She was so excited and I just watched with tears in my eyes as she tagged along. She didn't even turn around to say goodbye! She just took off running with the girls!! I was happy for her and a little sad for me. The day is coming when her girlfriends will probably be more fun to hang out with than her mama, so I'm going to cherish the days now, where she still loves to snuggle on my lap and play with me!
We left just after this picture. It was after 11pm, and we were exhausted. Someone teased us that we were leaving so early! "You Americans!", they said. We all slept in the next day!!