Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Party #1. . .

Three little amigas. . . Emma ran around with Clara and Antonella all evening! She laughed and laughed and played until the moment we left! It just makes my heart sooo happy to watch her interact with other little girls. One prayer I've prayed since the day she was born is that she would be surrounded by good girlfriends for her entire life. Looks like God is really answering that prayer already! These girls were just adorable!
Each of the three girls were given a gift from Santa. Emma is really starting to adore Santa!

Colleagues and spouses of colleagues with Kevin

Laughs, laughs and more laughs. . . The team had a great time joking with each other and listening to "letters to Santa".

I spent the evening holding precious little Lucas, only two months old. Lucas is Clara's younger brother and he is just a doll! He fell asleep in my arms and I didn't put him down until it was time to leave the party! I love babies and Lucas is the only one I've held since we left Ottumwa!

Emma and Clara really have a lot of fun together. Monica is Clara's mom and is such a sweetheart. I wish they lived closer because I think we'd spend a lot of time together! We really enjoy their family! The food looked amazing! They had a normal churrasco and some incredible ice cream for dessert!

Sergio, Santa and Kevin

Supply Chain Integration Team
I even got a little gift from Santa! I've been sooo good!
Kevin received some gaucho pants and shoes, very typical attire for southern Brazil. Now he can walk around town and nobody will know he's an American!!
We joked that this is going to be our Christmas card! Wish we could say this is our baby, but it's not! Pretending was fun though! Emma and I left the party at 11pm!! Dinner didn't actually start until around 10, so it was a late night for us! It really was a fun evening and I'm so glad we went! Tonight we have a birthday party and then another Christmas party. Tomorrow. . . another Christmas party!