Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Visit From Todd. . .

It's real. It's true. Todd B. was in Horizontina and I got to hang out with him! It was so exciting for me to be able to spend time with someone I really know! He actually met Kevin in Porto Alegre on Monday night (Kevin was traveling) and then he came here on Wednesday. We saw each other at lunch Thursday and I think I talked a million miles an hour! Since we know so many of the same people, went to church together and "did our time" in Ottumwa, we had so much to talk about! I'm thinking it was just a little taste of what I'll experience next week when we go home! I can't even explain how great it was to spend time with an old friend! Kevin really enjoyed his time with Todd also! On Thursday night, there were about 20 other Americans in town, so we all went to Dom Pepe's, one of the two pizza joints in town. Then I took Todd to lunch at Divina Gula with my friend Mollie before he had to head back to Porto Alegre! Oh, aside from the awesomeness of getting to hang out with Todd, he came bearing gifts. . . Starbuck's Gold Coast Coffee beans, Christmas M&Ms and Hershey's Mint Kisses!!! (Thanks, Janice!!!) Unfortunately, the coffee is almost half gone and the chocolate isn't faring quite that well:)