Tuesday, December 29, 2009

On the Road Again. . .

We've been in Moundridge since last Tuesday night and we're leaving shortly for Goodland! As long as I've been gone from my childhood home, coming here feels as much like home as going there. I'm so thankful for the chance to see my in-laws and my dad too.
Kevin's brother was married on Saturday and it was just a fun wedding. I took 511 pictures throughout the day and although that was really, really exciting for me, I so enjoyed spending time around Bethany, watching her interact with people, smiling at everything, laughing, and making those around her laugh. She's a perfect wife for Tim and we're just really excited to watch them grow in their relationship.
Our days here were jam-packed. . . from late-night Rook games to decorating the church, a family reunion, opening presents, shopping, drinking lots of coffee, sleeping in, hanging out with my sister and her family, spending time with close college girlfriends and catching some vomit from Emma's mouth (4 times to be exact)! Emma's all better, our bags are packed and my heart is full. We'll fly out of Denver on Monday, so we have less than a week left here in the States. I have a gazillion posts I'd like to write, but I've spent so much less time on the computer. I have longed for face to face time with friends and family and I didn't want to waste it by writing things I could say to them in person. However, some things I'll still be processing for weeks to come. I won't have people to see every day, so I'll get back to blogging after a while. Mmm, I'm so thankful for people. During one of my most difficult moments in Brazil, as I was alone, crying in my living room, I felt in my heart a solid truth: I was not created to be alone. I was created by a relational God to be in relationship with Him and with others. The most challenging aspect of being where we are is that I don't feel deeply connected with very many people. It's lonely and it's really, really hard for me some days. I'm learning to see some of the goodness in having huge chunks of alone time and I'm learning how to deal with the not-so-good days.
Anyway, we're heading West for some more family and friend time! I'm so looking forward to the next few days. And strangely, I'm looking forward to our flight next week. Last week I told Kevin I wasn't getting back on the plane with him. Fortunately, he was sleeping and didn't respond and now I'm OK. I'm happy that I'm OK with going back. Weird. Really really weird.
Go West Young Fam. . .