Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving in Brazil. . .

This year we had American Thanksgiving in Brazil, hosted by the Germans. Quite comical when you think about it! We were so very thankful to have friends to celebrate the holiday with. Because it wasn't a holiday here, we decided to have our meal on Sunday. It was a warm, beautiful day! We invited a Brazilian to make the meat for us because turkeys are a rare find here. We also didn't have any sliced ham! HOWEVER. . . we did manage to make garlic mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, cheesy vegetable casserole, sweet potatoes and apples, cranberry sauce, homemade rolls, homemade eggnog, apple pie, and pumpkin pie!!! How awesome is that??!! Fortunately, we had packed some goodies from the US in our sea shipment, so we were able to make some very traditional dishes from the States. It felt so good to be able to eat familiar food to celebrate Thanksgiving!
Mollie and Emma by the slide
First time we've ever had beef for Thanksgiving!! We had normal churrasco meat, prepared by Daniel, a Brazilian who works with Kevin. It was awesome!!
Harald and Silvia's backyard
Apple and pumpkin pie!! This is the first time in many years that I didn't make Oreo Balls for Thanksgiving. Although I was very sad to miss out on time with my family, I'm not all that sad that I didn't consume 48,000 calories worth of desserts:) My sisters make the most incredible desserts! The problem is that I can't choose which one I like the best so I just eat them all! The great thing about this year was that there were two amazing desserts and I ate some of both! Then I was done and I didn't feel like a bloated whale!
It was a great day of hanging out with friends. Again, we are just so thankful that we were able to be with Americans (and Germans and a Brazilian). I'm really looking forward to our trip home in TWO WEEKS!!!

1 comment:

Mollie said...

I love this blog!!!!!