Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Two Legs Down. . .

It's 6:30pm our time, 2:30pm Central Time. We left our house on time (for Brazil, anyway) and stopped for a quick lunch an hour from the airport. We actually had a driver take us the 3.5 hours, so we all took a little bit of a nap on the way. Good thing, too. I slept about 4 hours last night and woke up to find the other side of the bed empty. Kevin couldn't sleep so he decided to get some work done before our departure. He was up by 5:30. Not a very fun way to start a vacation, but it eased his mind a little. As we were driving, I taught Emma the words to "Leaving, on a jet plane. . ." . As we walked into the airport, she started singing the words very loudly. It made us smile.
I was so proud of my packing abilities; each suitcase was just under the limited 23 kilograms, at least according to my scale. We arrived at the airport 30 minutes before departure and checked our suitcases. . . AND paid extra because we exceeded the limit. We were unaware that the weight limit for Emma's baggage is less than ours! Grrr. Oh well, there wasn't a lot we could do at that point. We paid and boarded the plane. Emma really enjoyed our first flight. The attendants wouldn't let us take her carseat on board so she got to sit in a big seat all by herself. She was very proud of herself and was so brave the entire flight! Toward the end we had some turbulence and she had a quick look of fear in her eyes. I asked her if it was a little scary and she said, "It was." Then she smiled and said, "I'll just hold your hand, Mommy."
We're hanging out in the Sao Paulo airport, waiting for our flight to Dallas. We have about 5 more hours before we board. Guess we'll go for a walk!!
Two legs of our five-leg trip down. Whoopdy-dooo!!