Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bring Him Back Alive. . .

The bummer about the trip is that I didn't (or couldn't) have my camera with me to capture everything. I was awake early early Saturday morning and couldn't go back to sleep. I had planned an 8:30 run but it was only 5:45!! I decided to make a WalMart run. My list was long, so I figured I'd get it over with! I arrived at WalMart at 6am. I was pleasantly surprised at the emptiness of the parking lot, a sure sign that the place would be calm. I wandered around the store and was amazed at all there was to buy. We don't have any store that really resembles WalMart in our town. I've basically bought groceries for the last eight months. It's been so good for me to recognize that there are many things I just don't need and can absolutely live without!! I had learned to live without so many convenient things in our little town, but I didn't even know the extent of it until I wandered those aisles. Two hours and a few dollars later, I walked out with a grocery cart full of goodies. I still had time before I needed to be at my friend's house, so I stopped by HyVee. I stood in one aisle just staring at the massive amounts of "things" I could buy. Mostly I was saddened by the availability of health foods. We eat fairly healthy and fresh here, but I've never found almond butter or rolled dates or Ezekiel bread. I wanted to buy it all and hide it in my suitcase. (The almond butter and dates made it, but not the bread!)

This is Mark and Kim's house where we stayed in Ottumwa. This is the day I went for my run. It was about 20 degrees outside, just a little chilly, but I was ready! A few months ago, I mustered the nerve to ask my friend Kristen to run with me when I came back. I needed nerve because this girl can run. I knew in asking that I'd never be able to keep pace with her, but I also knew she wouldn't back out on me regardless of the weather! I needed someone who was going to hold me accountable to my workout and I knew she was the one. What I didn't know until that week, was that she had invited Julie, another incredible runner, to go with us. What?!?! OH CRAP! Now I had two crazy-awesome, talented athletes who were going to run with me. I had visions of them off in the distance, running their insanely fast pace while I took my walk breaks. BUT, I kept reminding myself of how good I'd feel when I was done. I wanted to work out and I wanted to be able to say that I had actually run with the two best female runners in the town! We decided on a three mile run and they let me set the pace. Huh? I considered walking right away, but didn't. My toes felt like they were about to fall off during the first quarter mile, but they quickly warmed up. I was laughing. I was happy. I was running with two great girlfriends. It was probably one of the best memories of my three weeks in the States. Nevermind that our pace neared a ten-minute mile at one point; nevermind that we had to stop after two miles so I could catch my breath for the last mile; nevermind that it was probably the slowest three miles those girls had ever run; nevermind. They ran with me, not ahead of me. There was something very, very sweet about that time together. (Oh, and nevermind the look on Ryan's face when he glanced at the Garmin, realizing how slow we'd actually run. I was so proud and loved!!)

After our run, Kevin, Emma and I drove out to Dan and Jen's house for lunch with them, the Latchams and Hamiltons. Joy and Kari had lost their mom in September and we were so sad we couldn't be there for them during that time. I understand all too well the feelings that come with losing "Mom" and my heart ached not to be able to hug them and cry with them. It was just good to see everyone's faces and watch the kids run around and play! After everyone left, I continued to eat and the kids went down for naps. Kevin and I sat with Dan and Jen and talked about a lot of life that's happened over the last eight months. I had a moment of reminiscing while we sat there. The year Kevin and I moved to Ottumwa, Dan and Jen moved back from an assignment in France. We quickly became friends and I was so thankful to have a friend who didn't have kids. . . and I told her so. Well, little did I know that she was actually expecting:) Smooth. Lauren was born two days before my mom died and the day I held her tiny body is forever etched in my mind. Like never before, I honestly felt, "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord" was true. I was so saddened by my mom's death, but I was so ecstatic for the new life God had given. Our friendship with our friends feels deeper than before, which is really encouraging and just very nice.
Mark and his choice of weapon
We left Dan and Jen's and went back to Mark and Kim's for the evening. We relaxed and put Emma to bed early. Around 9, I decided to do a late-night Target run with Julie. We walked around the store and she showed me some of the fun new toys that were available and we just talked like we always had, like I hadn't really left. After a while, she went home and I wandered around my old favorite store for another hour. I was overwhelmed at the massive amounts of toys and books and DVDs that were available for me to buy. I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't make a decision. I wanted to buy so many things that I didn't want to buy anything at all! I left the store and went back to where we were staying. Kevin had gone to bed but sat up when I came in. He asked how I was doing and I about started crying. I told him I didn't want to get back on the plane. I wanted to stay where life felt normal and comfortable and where I could read everything I saw and understand everything I heard. I didn't want to come back to Brazil. I went to bed missing my friends and my old life that seemed so easy compared to our transition to our new life. On the way to church the next morning, Kevin asked me how our night was and I realized that although he had been sitting up, looking right at me, he was very much asleep and didn't really hear anything I had said. Fortunately, a good night's sleep helped my mindset and I had changed my mind back to liking Brazil by Sunday morning!

So Sunday. Well, Sunday we went to church. I had my first little breakdown while holding a tiny little baby, sitting next to a very dear friend, and listening to Christmas and worship music in English. Ottumwa really isn't our home anymore and while that's OK, it was still hard to swallow the truth of it. After church another little snowstorm hit and we stayed inside for the most part. Well, Emma and I stayed in. Kevin, on the other hand, decided to take his first hunting trip with Mark. All I could think was, "Oh dear Lord, please bring him back alive!" That was my only request to Mark. His response. . . "Oh, Sandi, we seldom lose 'em!" The assurance I felt was nil. Well, three hours later, they returned, tired and hungry, but alive! Kevin didn't shoot anything, but I think he had a lot of fun.

All decked out in hunting gear

Should it be legal to hunt with a gun like this??
On Sunday evening, Mark and Kim hosted a party with several of our friends from church. Some of them we didn't have time to see alone, so it was a fun way to catch up with several. Everyone brought food and we chowed! After everyone left, we stayed up talking with Mark and Kim and their two daughters, Heidi and Abby. We've decided that they really have a pretty cool family and we were so grateful to have had a chance to spend so much time with them!