Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Very Late Night. . .

Monday morning was a relaxing morning at the Lucky Rooster, a cute little coffee shop. I had a conversation with three men at the next table over. After chatting for a few minutes, we came to realize that one of the men actually knew Kevin and he was also friends with some of our friends. What I noticed most though was the fact that I had actually engaged in conversation with people that I really didn't know and I was comfortable with it!! I guess that's kind of huge for me. It happened a few times during our trip and each time, I walked away from the conversation feeling really good. I had asked questions and really was interested in what the other person had to say. I've always felt like I'm not a good question-asker, especially with people I don't know. I'd rather just be quiet and awkward and regret my lack of conversation later. I'm not really sure what's changed, but that morning was the first time I recognized the difference. Maybe I'm more confident in who I am. Maybe going through this challenging transition has given me more to talk about. Or Maybe I'm just growing up and realizing that people are important and are worth getting to know. My friend Traci showed up and we had coffee and talked about life for the next few hours. Then I picked Kevin up for lunch at Applebee's. It felt like a fairly normal Monday of living life in Ottumwa, only I didn't have a home to return to after lunch:(

Emma and her good friend Leah. On our way to Oskaloosa for dinner with friends, we stopped at my friend Karla's house. The girls got to play together, the guys got to talk, and Karla and I started talking like I'd never even left the country. It was short, but we had big plans to pull an all-nighter that night, without the husbands and without the kiddos ('cause they'd all be in bed)!

Cortney and me at their home in Osky. One of our most comfortable visits was with our friends Miles and Cortney. "Comfortable" in the sense that we felt so understood by them. Five years ago, they had returned from Brazil after doing an assignment here. Horizontina to be exact. Oh, and their old home is located a few blocks from where we live now. Oh, and they are both K-State grads. We met them when they moved to Ottumwa with Deere almost two years ago. They shared about their time in Brazil and some funny stories about their experiences and we listened, but we didn't listen in the way that we would remember details. When we found out we were moving here, we invited them over and made them retell us everything they could about their time here and we really listened! The advice, insight, encouragement and understanding they have given us over the last year has been so incredible. For the third time since we've met them, I looked through her scrapbooks from the time they spent here!

Lindsey, Emma, Skylar and Sidney played together all evening. Emma went upstairs to play dress-up. She went downstairs to play with toys. She was so comfortable with the girls and we adults were able to talk quite a bit. We had some incredible manicotti and garlic bread and salads and it reminded me of America! I was so happy to be eating a familiar, homemade meal!! Our time with them flew by and before we knew it, it was time to go! Fortunately with Deere families, we know there's a likely chance that we'll live in the same community again some day. We're looking forward to that!

On our way back to Mark and Kim's, Kevin dropped me off at Karla's. We took our places on the couch and talked and laughed and cried the night away. It was awesome! I should have had one more cup of coffee though, because I couldn't keep my eyes open after 3:30am! I guess I'm not a college girl anymore! Leah and Emma are about two months apart so we have lots to talk about from a mommy-perspective! Well, we have lots to talk about regarding just about every area of life! It was a very sweet, cherished time I had with her. I didn't want it to end, but our plans had changed and Kevin and I had decided to leave that next day. Karla drove me back and I crawled in bed around 4am, exhausted, but with my heart full!

While we were in KC, we went shopping at Oak Park Mall. In retrospect, probably one of the dumber decisions I've made. Hmm, let's go shopping at a huge mall on the 22nd of December and spend some fun family time together! It was fun for the three of us together, but I had some moments of tension or anxiety, not sure which. I was overwhelmed at the crowds of people, the determined looks on their faces, the stress and frustration of the clerks and the insane amounts of clothing, toys, gifts, etc. people had purchased as gifts for their loved ones. It felt like chaos to me. I realize living in a small, foreign town has changed my perspective a little, but I wasn't prepared for the inner turmoil I felt. I'm not really sure what it was, but I felt grossed out. Aren't people supposed to be happy to give to others?? Do we really need that much stuff?? Are we as Americans any more happy or content than others because we have so much more?? It was just a weird, somewhat unexplainable time for me. I was happy to have the access to so many things, but I was so happy to leave that place. We had planned to stay in KC that night, but after finishing our shopping, we grabbed two coffees for the road and decided to drive the rest of the way to Kevin's parents' house. OK, Kevin drove the rest of the way. I slept. Emma slept. I was so tired, but I wouldn't have changed a thing about the time I got to spend with Karla! My head hit the pillow and I was out!! No place like home.