Thursday, January 7, 2010

Rob & Linda. . .

Emily, Linda (17 months older than me), Hudson
Wednesday was a great day of lounging around home. My sister Linda and her husband and kids were on their way to spend Christmas with her in-laws, which is conveniently located about half an hour north of my in-laws! We were so excited that it worked out for them to be able to stay for a few hours. For those of you who know the story, this is my sister who just had a life-altering experience. When I heard what had happened, we were still in Brazil and I couldn't really do anything. It felt so good to hug her and see her face and listen to her talk. It's very certain that we don't know what each day will hold. We are so grateful for God's protection on her life and on the lives of her family! We talked and talked and then had dinner together before they had to get back on the road. It was such a short time, as with most people, but I'm so thankful that it worked out to even see them!!