Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Christmas Party #5. . .

Our final Christmas party was held at Adilson's house in Montenegro. Adilson is Kevin's boss and a very funny and sweet man. We knew it was going to be a late night when we found out the party wasn't going to start until 8pm. Knowing what we know of Brazilians, we assumed that meant it would really start after 9. We arrived around 8:30 and we weren't the last ones there!! Snacks and drinks were served and we finally sat down for dinner shortly after 10:15pm! By that point, I wasn't really even hungry anymore. I'm usually in bed by then!

Emma's amigas - Clara (on the left) and Isabelle (in the middle). The girls ran around together until the wee hours of the morning!! Yep, we left the party at 1am and returned to our hotel just before 2am! I can't believe we let our child party all night long!

Typical Brazilian party. . . the men stand around talking (together) and the women sit around talking (together). I suppose it's like this in the States, but it seems so much more pronounced here. It seems to happen the moment we walk in the door, too. Maybe it's more obvious to me because I immediately recognize that I'm being separated from the one person (eh hem, my husband) whom I know I can understand and can understand me!! I don't have to think when I'm talking to him, but when I'm with the Brazilians, I have to concentrate so hard to understand what's being said. I'm more comfortable with that now, but it's still not totally in my comfort zone! We had a great time though and enjoyed the party!!