Friday, January 22, 2010

Work it Girl!!!

I finally took advantage of the little weight room in the hotel! We've had a lot of free time here, so I took Emma with me and she just played while I lifted and ran. Because the weight room had tiny little weights just her size, I let her lift while I lifted. She tried to copy everything I did and she did great, except that she grunted (on purpose). Then I got self-conscious and wondered if I grunt when I lift? Surely not!
The grunt. . .

She's my little workout buddy when I'm exercising! I have to admit, I think it's pretty great when I hear her say, "Mommy, I'm dist dunna doe fo a run," or "I'm dunna etsersize fo a minute." I want Emma to enjoy being active. I remember several years ago commenting to my sister that her kids weren't really all that interested in TV. They were way more excited to go to the park or be outside riding their bikes. She replied something like, "We've always wanted that to be part of the culture of our family." Then and there, I stole that comment from her and made it my own. I wasn't even a parent yet, but I knew I wanted to be the same. I don't want Emma sitting on the couch watching TV or playing video games while the sun is shining and she can be outside. I want her to be reading books and using her imagination and playing pretend games with me or with her friends when it's too cold to be out. I want her to enjoy exercising and I want her to feel and be healthy. I guess modeling it for her has helped already. I recognize that my daughter is going to model what she sees, whether it's from her friends or her parents. She's going to model mostly what she sees and hears from me right now because she's around me more than anyone else in the world. I can pray all I want and hope all I want that she "turns out" OK, but if I'm a really poor model for her, what's the point? I was just thinking, I really want Emma to love other people well. I've always wanted that for her. What better way to teach her how to love people well than to model that for her? That's way more important than exercising and while I know that, I'm not so sure I've shown her how to do that very well in the privacy of our own home. Kind of convicting. Anyway, just some thoughts. We need to work on our hearts as well as our bodies. Both need a lot of exercise and TLC!! Happy Friday!