Friday, January 22, 2010

Chipmunks at the Mall. . .

Alvin. . .
Simon. . .
Theodore. . .

These chipmunks were (in my opinion) randomly standing in the middle of the mall. I'm not sure if they were promoting something or if someone thought it would be fun to stick a few adult-sized characters out there, but it was fun for us to see! Maybe it was more fun for me because I sat and stared at them while reminiscing of Saturday mornings with the Chipmunks. Maybe it was more fun for Emma because she got to hug each one of them (I was too cool to do that). Were I a little more trusting, I would have given my camera to a passerby so I too could have my picture taken with these guys! We spent a few hours at the mall, but this might have been our highlight. Although it's always nice to visit the mall, the prices of most things here are just insane! For example, a tiny My Little Pony toy is about $20. I can get the same one at WalMart for about $5!! The tennis shoes that I'm currently using for running are about $350 and I can get them for under $100 in the States!! Oh, and flour tortillas are about $12 for a 10-pack!! (On a good note, I did find a non-imported brand of tortillas that I can get cheaper, like $3 a pack). On another good note, I guess we did eat lunch at the mall for around $8 for both us!! I guess I'll just have to eat and not buy things:)