Thursday, January 21, 2010

What We've Been Doing. . .

. . . crinkling the nose (like her mama)

. . .braids (first solitaire)
. . . dressing up (tennis shoes and all)
. . . reading all the new books we brought back with us

. . . a tea party, complete with the Berenstain Bears, a special table (from last week's pizza night with the Americans), a real porcelain tea set (from Aunt Chris), and of course, seeds from the palm tree in our back yard! Yummy! I think it was like 90 degrees in our house that day and we were both sweating bullets during our little tea party. Lovely, I know, but it was fun!

. . . drinking the last drops
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. . . dancing with Kitty
. . . enjoying a new dress from Aunt Elise
. . . enjoying a new dress from Aunt Lianne (I'm way more excited about this one than she is)
. . . smiling and crinkling noses

. . . relaxing

. . . and sleeping, yes, lots of sleeping!
We've been back for over two weeks and have enjoyed the quietness of life here. While it was absolutely amazing to get to be with people we know and love dearly, we are very much enjoying the pace of life in Horizontina!! Oh, wait, we're not in Horizontina. We're actually traveling again! Kevin had to work in Porto Alegre this week and next week, so rather than stay home alone and have way more alone time than I care to have, Emma and I tagged along. I'm so glad we did, too, because Kevin has to travel again the week after we get back and Emma and I can't go with him. That'll make 3 weeks in a row for him to be on the road. :( Boo, I say, Boo. However, we're happy to be with him for now!! We did enjoy our two weeks home, though!!