Thursday, January 7, 2010

Five Husbands and Eight Kids Later. . .

College girlfriends Tracy (with daugter Riley), Amy (with Abbe's daughter Maggie,) Sarah, and Abbe
Maggie (Abbe's) and Anna (Sarah's)
Riley (Tracy's) and Dakota (Abbe's)
Abbe, Amy, Tracy, Sarah and Sandi
Avery (Amy's) and Creyton (Abbe's)
Ben (Sarah's) and Emma Jae (ours)
Almost nine years ago, we met in a college dorm room (Ford Hall to be exact) and decided to be friends for life. Not just once-a-year-Christmas-card friends, but friends who would walk through the highs and lows of life together. We made a commitment to pray for each other and love each other and challenge each other to be better women. Over the last nine years, we've all gone from single women to married women with children! We've laughed together and cried together and I've watched these women grow and mature and become better women than they were when I met them. We've become better friends. We have some history with each other and it's so comfortable to curl up on a couch and catch up on life together. I love these women incredibly. I love them like sisters. I love that God graced my life with women who are willing to love me through this journey of life.