Thursday, January 7, 2010

Schrag Christmas. . .

For their parents' wedding anniversary one year, Kevin and his brothers bought Robert and Marcy instruments. Robert got a banjo and Marcy got a mountain dulcimer. I'm pretty sure this moment was one of Kevin's favorites during our three weeks home!
Presents!!! Waiting patiently!!
More music. . .
Our grab bag gift was the National Lampoon's Vacation Collection. . . yep, all four movies in one little box! Sadly, we've watched all four of them since coming home less than a week ago. I am not a smarter nor better person because of that!
A big box with lots of fun presents inside!! Emma and Grandma had fun hanging out together!

Emma wore her new hat until she went to bed that night! She loved her new My Little Pony and had so much fun brushing its hair.

Hugs all around for the blessing of gifts!

I can't really write much about these last few pictures, except that the brothers (and their wives), had the greatest time making jokes about a new "medicine" that was "sure to do the trick!!" We laughed so hard that night! We love you Marcy:)