Thursday, January 14, 2010

We Are Family. . .

Sisters Lori(12), Jane(10) and Chris(4)
The numbers indicates what number each sister is in the family. I'm #14. We don't look anything alike, do we?? After taking Cindy back to the airport, I drove back to Lori's, picked up Emma and headed to Famous Dave's for dinner with three sisters and my dad and Barbara. Kevin had decided at 10pm the night before that he and Dustin (Lori's husband) were going to go skiing. I knew he'd have a lot of fun and they had planned to be back in time for dinner. Mother Nature decided to drop a little snowstorm on them while they were heading back to Ft. Collins, so they arrived way later than they had intended. It might have been perfect timing though, because they walked in shortly after all the food was set on the table! That's the way to do it! Well, Kevin had a blast spending the day with Dustin and skiing and I loved being in a warm home with my sister and friend! (I also loved the short run to Target and the Starbuck's coffee I was able to find!)
After dinner we all (except my dad and Barbara) went back to Lori's house for Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies and organic chocolate ice cream. Don't worry if that's sounds good to you, I ate enough for about ten people:) I love my sisters. I really do enjoy spending time with them! There's something really great about understanding their humor and personalities. We are so very different, but so very much alike. I have an incredible amount of respect for my sisters and the way they've chosen to raise their kids. So much of what I do and believe in (as far as raising a child) has been shaped by watching what they do. They aren't perfect moms, and I don't expect them to be, but they love their kids and actually seem to enjoy their kids. I've learned so much from those women and have been encouraged greatly by them.