Thursday, January 14, 2010

Olivia and Emma. . .

Another cousin. . . Olivia (or Livi)

I think Emma liked her!!
Over a year ago, Kevin and I traveled to Brazil for ten days to check out the possibility of a job and what the living situation could be like. We didn't take Emma with us because we knew it would be a very difficult trip for an 18-month old. We chose to leave Emma with my sister Lori, who had Olivia, then 8 months old. Even then, Livi was a very lovable, huggy-type of girl. Emma. . . not so much. She just ran away and climbed on chairs to avoid being smothered. This year wasn't all that different at first. Livi just wanted to love on Emma and Emma wasn't so sure about all the touchy-feely stuff. She would run away and start crying and I would explain that Olivia was just wanting to show her some love. By the end of our stay, Emma was giving almost as many hugs as she was receiving! I loved watching the girls play together and had a few moments of sappiness. I'm not sure we'll ever live close to any of Emma's cousins, but I do pray that she has great relationships with them as she grows older!