Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Very Special Visit. . .

Another "sister" (PS. . . Do I look weird in this picture?? Just a random late-night thought.)
Emma with "Aunt" Cindy
When we left Ottumwa, we didn't just leave our home, we left friends who were as close to us as family! I can't find the words to describe the impact this woman and her family have had on my life. I love them incredibly! When her family moved to Ottumwa, I became somewhat of an "aunt" to their kids. She prayed many prayers while waiting with Kevin and me to become parents. When Emma was born, Cindy was in the labor room rootin' for me (God bless her for what she did for me!), and she then became "Aunt Cindy" to Emma. On New Year's Day, Cindy was able to fly to Denver for the night and part of Saturday. We stayed up until the wee hours of the morning catching up on life and enjoying the face-to-face kind of conversation that's so good for our hearts! I am so very thankful for the hours I had with Cindy. I'm only disappointed we didn't get to see the rest of the family!