Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Weavers. . .

Cousins Joseph and Joslyn (twins) and Jasmin
We left my dad's house and drove to my sister Janette's on New Year's Day. We started the year off with an incredible brunch and more family time. My sister Sharon came over with her family and we had so much fun with all of them. Sometimes it's hard to spend quality time with siblings because when we do get together, there are just so many people. Kevin commented that it's so much more fun to just hang out with a few at a time. Fortunately, that was possible during our visit. We sat around the table eating, talking and laughing. Kevin and I loved it. Emma played with her cousins (seven of them were there) and found fun new toys to play with.
After our tummies were filled and it was almost naptime, we packed up our car and headed to the Denver airport to pick up my friend Cindy. We decided to drive on a smaller highway instead of the interstate. The disadvantage was that there weren't any gas stations where we could stop to use the bathroom. (Did I mention I drank a few cups of coffee and some mint tea??) The advantage was that there wasn't much traffic and pulling onto a side road wasn't that big of a deal:) I wouldn't have lasted another hour! That's how long it took to get to the next gas station and by then, I had to go again!! Guess it made for a few laughs!