Sunday, February 28, 2010

Brazilian Entertainment. . .

At the risk of really embarrassing ourselves, I'm posting this video of what we call "entertainment" here. I'm not really a screaming type of person, but I was just minding my own business, sitting on the floor with an old photo album in my lap, trying to find a picture, when suddenly I screamed and threw the album up in the air. I don't think I've ever gone from sitting to standing in a shorter amount of time! I knew he was still in the album, so Kevin grabbed the video camera to record the critter's death. (We're on a roll this week with killing things, huh?) Kevin says he never was very good at sports, so three swings of his flip flop to kill the little guy is about average.

PS For those of you who heard about the "innards" in the face, that's a different story (one I'm sure I'll post this week.)