Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sugar Cookie Time. . .

My sister Lianne has a recipe for the absolute best sugar cookies ever. They're like crack. OK, so I've never done crack, but I'm sure they're about as addictive and just as unhealthy. At least they're legal, though. The cookies are so soft they just melt in my mouth.
I made a batch and used smaller cookie cutters, so I ended up with almost 100 cookies! While Emma was sleeping the other day, I frosted a bunch of them to take to the teachers at our language school. It's always fun to introduce them to some American food and desserts. Emma helped me decorate them. By help, I mean she decorated one cookie. Then she was more interested in eating the little balls that were supposed to be dropped onto the icing!
After the cookies were decorated, I asked Emma what color frosting she'd like on her cookie. She told me green and blue and yellow. So that's what I did. I let her choose her sprinkles too and she was about to go crazy with excitement as she watched me make her cookie.
She said her cookie was "yummy". She didn't say it was like crack. However, she did immediately ask me for another one. Again. And again. And again. See, they are addictive!!