Thursday, February 25, 2010

What is That??

Is it a speck of dirt on our wall? Is it a spider?
No, look closer. . . it's another visitor!
Now, you might wonder if he's the same guy that was under the fridge. Nope, pretty sure he's not. Um, that would be this little guy (above). Unfortunately, he ran under the floor lamp and I tried to move the lamp so I could get a better picture for (none other than) my blog. I moved the lamp ever so slightly and suddenly a quarter-inch of tail (minus the body) was flopping around on my floor. Oops. I lifted the lamp and the poor little guy was done for. Oops. I didn't do it on purpose. Seriously.
About two minutes after the little lizard killing, I sat on the couch and resumed my morning routine of drinking coffee and talking with Kevin. In the next room over, I saw something move. I thought it was a moth, but I was also pretty sure it had jumped. I stared at it. A few seconds later, it jumped again. Huh. A frog. Sure. 'Cause that's normal, right? I grabbed the broom so I could help him out through the window I assumed he entered. He jumped like four feet! I prodded him with the broom, thinking I could help him find his way. He jumped again. I prodded again. Oops. I prodded a little too hard. I didn't do it on purpose. Seriously.
What is it with visitors this week?? What is it with their accidental deaths??
The weather is much cooler this week. By cooler, I mean it's getting up into the 80s during the day, but probably mid-60s at night. It's beautiful. Maybe the critters are wanting a cozy place to rest their heads. Because it's so beautiful out, we are leaving our windows open all day and sometimes at night. This morning I actually had to use a blanket while I sat on the couch with my coffee. It's beautiful. . . especially since it's February.