Sunday, February 7, 2010

Playing Dress Up. . .

Precious Little Lady
When we left the States, my sister-in-law gave me a ton of hand-me-down dress-up clothes for Emma. Her daughter had been in dance classes and had outgrown her old outfits. Yesterday, we opened the dress-up tote and dug through all the clothes. It was over 90 degrees in our home and Emma chose to wear this "comfy, cozy dress". She wore it (and the hat) for over two hours!
The Little Mermaid shoes were a hit as well!

Most days, Emma could care less about getting her picture taken. Recently though, she's been blowing kisses, throwing her hand on her hip and then asking to see what she looks like! Could it be that she really wants me to take her picture now? That's kind of funny to me because yesterday I made our first appointment with a professional photographer. Emma's only had one other professional take her pictures and the gal was a friend of mine. I'm hoping she's entering a stage where she just loves to see herself on camera. Right now, she's kind of the only subject I have to practice on!!