Sunday, February 7, 2010

Pintura a Dedo (Fingerpainting). . .

It was another hot day outside, so we opted to stay inside, out of the sun. I've heard the ozone here has a few holes in it, and whether or not it's true, I don't know. What I do know is that our skin can be burned in a matter of minutes if we're not careful! While it's still hot inside our home, at least our skin isn't being fried off! While in Santa Rosa last week, I found some finger paints for super cheap! I thought I had some, but couldn't find them anywhere, so I was pretty excited to find the "Pintura a Dedo" (finger paint).

My little Picasso
Kevin's really great about saving things. I can't remember one item he's saved that he hasn't found another use for! When our sea shipment was unpacked into our home, I was so excited to get rid of the cardboard boxes! He wanted to save a few. I wanted to ditch them all! We saved a few. Guess what we painted on the other day? Guess who was very happy that she has such a smart husband?! We had a great morning painting and talking about our drawings.
Yellow paint and red dirt. Baths happen every day in our home!
She's so dainty and particular about everything she does. Here, she was slowly and carefully moving her finger to the exact place she wanted to paint.
Fortunately, her next move was to place her hand on the cardboard. . . not on her face!!