Sunday, February 7, 2010

Pool Time. . .

Yesterday, Kevin said it was a whopping 94 degrees. . . INSIDE our house!! It's definitely summer time here and some days, relief comes only when we're in the water! We have window air conditioners in our bedrooms, which we run at night and a unit in our play room that I seldom use. Emma and I sweat through a few pairs of clothes each day and I'm so thankful someone else is doing our laundry! We have a dryer but our maid never uses it. All our clothes are hung on the line to dry and these days, it seems like they dry in a matter of minutes! We have access to (U.S.) local, state and national news via the internet and I'm aware of the storms that have pummeled the nation's capitol as well as the rest of the country. It seems like it's a world away. I know, it pretty much is!
Many homes in our region of the country have swimming pools in the back yard and ours is one of them. Oh, how grateful we are! I never dreamed I'd have my own pool. I never really had a desire to have my own pool. Again, I am so thankful! Some days, when Emma's napping, I'll take a short swim by myself. Almost every evening, either before or after supper, we're in the pool. Emma loves to jump off the edge, float in the deep end with her floaties, be thrown in the air, and slide down her slide into our arms! I love hearing her squeal with delight and laugh as her daddy performs a cannonball! It's great. I'm so thankful. One day, the weather will change and the cover will be placed over the pool. One day, I'll be sitting here commenting on how I can see my breath in the air (while sitting at my dining room table). For now, I'm going to enjoy our pool and the warm weather and the happiness that comes with the bright sunshine!!