Friday, March 12, 2010

I Lied. . .

A while back I wrote that I had learned to "make do" with what I had available to me here. Well, I lied. I haven't learned to do without this:
I can smell the beans before I even open the bag.
The best part of waking up. . . is walking into the kitchen to an already brewed pot of Starbucks Gold Coast coffee. We love our programmable Cuisinart coffee maker!
The Deere employee who brought us TWO pounds of beans is a saint. I've never met her, but I like her. Mmmm.
Before I met Kevin, I didn't really know what a good cup of coffee tasted like. I was content with the spoonful of instant Folger's in my warm water.
I don't really think I'm a coffee snob, but I just don't like the coffee here. I'd rather go without than drink up a cup of what's available here.

I also haven't learned to do without these:
Thanks Cortney! Seeing Easter M&Ms made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. We can find tiny bags of M&Ms here, but they don't taste the same and they don't have fun pastel colors!! Sadly, one bag is already gone and I'm going to hide the other one so I can ration the goodies! Sometimes I don't realize what I'm missing. That's OK. I'm happy, though, for these little reminders of home!


Julie said...

So glad the comments are back up, and so glad you haven't done without coffee or M and M's! You always had some at your house for me, which I dearly miss!!

erin said...

I remember Kevin talking a lot about a "good cup of coffee" the summer we worked at camp together. Back then, I didn't believe him, but I do now! Mmm. I would probably buy a french press to get through the summer too now. :)