Resolved2Worship is a blog I've been following for a long time now. My friend recommended it on her blog one time and I've been hooked ever since. This woman is an amazing photographer and she has 7, yes seven!!, beautiful kids to photograph. Oh, and she's only 32. I don't know her whole story, but I like how she writes. She's intriguing and inspiring. I really like how she writes about her husband; she honors and respects him with her words and that's not very common to hear these days. Did I mention her children are beautiful? She's very talented, but very real. I kind of think we could be friends. No, I'm not a psychotic blog-follower. I'll never contact her and ask to be friends with her. 'Cause that would just be weird. However, I'm inspired by her faith and her honesty and her photography. So I hop over to visit her sometimes.
The Bruns family happen to have the only other American child in this crazy, foreign little town. Oh, I happened to witness the birth of their firstborn child just a few weeks ago. We're kind of in this ex-pat thing together and it's been fun to get to know them, along with my running friend, Mollie. She's been like an aunt to Emma and keeps me bustin' my butt through running, walking, exercise videos, and clean eating. She also acts as my therapist when I've had a really bad day. Jen is another friend who used to live in Horizontina. Her blog, Where the Tall Corn Grows, is private, so you can't be a weird blog-stalker with her, but she's awesome. Wish you could know her.
Then there's the Pioneer Woman. I guess she's famous. I didn't know it until recently. One night, when Kevin was traveling and I was blog-hopping, I came across her site. I'm always up for a good story, so I clicked on the link that led me to her account of how her husband romanced her. Her writing style is funny to me. She reminds me of some of my sisters with her choice of words. I laugh, thinking, "That's something I (or one of my sisters) would have said." (Except I'm not famous so I don't write some of those things!) She has some great tips on photography, some incredible (and easy) recipes to try, funny little stories and a great sense of humor. However, what drew me to her and why I continue to enjoy reading her posts is that she's in love with her husband. I love listening to women write encouraging words about the men in their lives. I'm sure her husband isn't perfect, but I wouldn't know that by the way she writes about him. Anyway, that's encouraging to me. They've been married for quite a few years now. Kevin and I have only been married for 7. When I see (or perceive) happiness in an older (not old, just older) married couple, it inspires me to make the most of what we have. I try to be more creative, more encouraging, more honest, more respectful, more loving
Oh, and if you're in the mood to blog-hop, I have some pretty neat friends whose names are off to the right under Some of our Favorites. They have some pretty cool friends whose blogs you can hop to from hopping from mine. (As if you don't have better things to do!) Happy blog-hopping:)
Comments? Thanks! Okay I have a blog for you - even if you read it just once, she made me think of you - so do you look at my logs I'm following? Hers is Baby on the Brehm. She wrote a hilarious blog about January - the month - and how it needed a timeout for about 11 months. Too funny!
I love you Sandi!
Your description of the first link (photographer with 7 kids) reminded me of one of my favorite blogs. She's from my hometown but is on a missions trip to Africa right now, so if you visit her blog right now, you will see re-posts of what she's written before and not brand new stuff. But it's all great. Check her out if you want.
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