Saturday, April 17, 2010

What She Says. . .

It's when I remember that she's still 2 that I think these things are the funniest. I love to hear what comes out of her mouth and I'm looking forward to hearing her mind grow. FYI - these are just the funny things. (Grandma, I promise you she says really intelligent things, too!)

After falling in the hallway of the hotel, I asked her if she was OK. "Yes, I just totally fell down."

Mommy, we don't normally . . . (and then she says something that we never do, like climb the wall with our hands and then slide down the front of the house.)

Oh, thanks Mom! (after I give her something).

Geez, buddy! (when the driver in front of us brakes quickly, leading me to brake quickly. Now, as I'm thinking it, she's saying it.)

Dad burn it. (when she does something and is clearly frustrated.)

That's just trazy. (about lots of things)

Mommy, we're not there yet, but we're gettin' there.

Sometimes she talks for a full minute about something and then I'll say, "What did you say?" to which she replies in all seriousness, "I didn't say anything." (Then I wonder if I'm losing it. Maybe she really didn't say anything.)

Last night. . . (everything in our past happened last night.) "Mommy, we went on an airplane last night, didn't we?

I'm so excited.

I imagine we're going to go somewhere later. I imagine we'll do that.

I think you need huds and tisses. (if I look sad or if I say I'm sad or if I hurt myself.)

Mollie, where's your titty? (she means "kitty")

And when she poops, "Mommy, when we eat, our tummies get full and when we poop, our tummies feel better."

Boo! Hey Mommy, I just said 'Boo!'

Hey, Daddy. Buttload! (and then she busts up laughing like it was the funniest thing ever said. Sadly, my maturity level isn't much higher than hers, so I usually laugh too.)

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