Growing up waaaaayyy too fast!
Sometimes I see perfectly trimmed bushes and I think to myself, "Hmm, I bet I could sit on those bushes." I've always wanted to try it. Emma took care of that desire for me and sat down right in the middle of the well-sculpted bush. Then she couldn't get up. I no longer have the desire to sit on pretty bushes. I'll just let them be pretty.
This might very well be one of my all-time favorite pictures of Emma. She's a happy girl. She makes me so happy!!
We had a fun morning playing outside that day. Yes, she's wearing fleece pants, a long-sleeved shirt and a poncho-sweater. Gone are the pool days. Gone are the days of shorts and tank tops. I'm only slightly bummed. I do love the cool fall air and sleeping under lots of blankets! Oh, and I love footie pajamas (for Emma, not me, although I think I might like them too.)