Friday, November 5, 2010

'Tis the Season. . .

Last night, after she went to bed, I opened the door to Emma's room to check on her. The light from the hall is enough for me to see her and I always look in on her before we go to bed. As I was closing the door, something dark caught my eye. He was about four inches long. I took three steps out of her room and into our room and said, "Kevin, there is a large lizard in our daughter's room!" Without even budging, he said something like, "Oh good, he'll eat the mosquitos that are in there. He won't hurt her." Frustrated, I went back into her room to kill the little guy. He must have guessed his future, because he was gone. I couldn't find him anywhere! I crawled into bed and fell fast asleep, thinking how odd it was that even though it was a big deal, it really wasn't. 'Tis the season for little critters to invade our home. Oh, how I love spring and summer here!!

Oh, and in case we haven't shared, we have a little game going on in the Schrag household. The score is 1-5-1. Kevin and Emma are tied and I'm in the lead for killing the most cockroaches. 6 of the 7 were in our home. My fifth point came from squashing the 'roach in Argentina. Kevin's not so sure that should count toward my score, but since I saved him and his Napolitana pizza with my super-human quickness, I'm going to count it:)