Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ivan's Birthday. . .

A few weeks ago we went to Marcia's house for Ivan's birthday. Marcia is the owner of our language school and Ivan is her younger brother. He was also my language teacher for the last year. He speaks English perfectly and knows the grammatical rules even better than I do!!

Diana, me, Fernanda (Ivan's fiance') and Ivan. Luci and Marcia are in front. Luci was my very first lanuage teacher here in Horizontina and she taught me how to form a sentence!! That's an incredibly important skill to learn when trying to survive in another country!

Never a dull moment with the ladies!

For Ivan's birthday, Kevin made homemade salsa. Ivan had given us some jalepeno peppers, so Kevin threw them in the salsa. Brazilians in our region don't usually like spicy food, so we were amazed when people kept going back for more!

Luis Enrique, Marcia's son, was asleep on the couch. Apparently he has to have something over his head in order to fall asleep. Marcia explained this to me but when I asked her if he always uses a bean bag, she looked shocked. I showed her the picture and she was shocked. She said he normally uses a small pillow. Odd.

Awww. I love this man!

Emma went with us to the party and she had a blast! Marcia has twin boys who are a year older than Emma. She's never really spent a lot of time with them, but that night, she ran around with them as if they had been buddies for years! I loved hearing her yell at them, "Pare!" which means, "Stop!" She was ordering them around but then she'd take off screaming as only a little girl can do when two little boys are chasing her. I love watching her have fun! It was a pretty laid back party. Ivan's and Fernanda's families were there as well as a few friends. As usual, there was tons of meat, rice, salad and bread. We ate well and had fun being out.

Earlier that week, I decided to chop my hair off. It always takes me a week or two to decide if I like my hair. I think I care so little about it that I usually end up liking whatever I've done. It's hair. It'll grow. For now, I'm happy to have some weight lifted off my shoulders:)