Tuesday, December 20, 2011

John Deere Christmas Party. . .

The day after the DMAT Christmas party, we had the all-John Deere party at the Fundacao. I didn't take too many pictures because it was our third year in a row to go and it didn't seem like everything was as "new" to me. Emma loved the giant blow-up toys but she was also content to play with her friends in the sand. Nicoly was there again, so she was pretty excited. We saw a few of the other American couples and had a relaxing evening at the park. We left around 9pm, just when the concert was starting. We kind of felt bad, so we decided to stay for a song or two. During the first song, when the accordian player was dancing around like a goofy elf, we looked at each other and decided that sleep was way more enticing. We had had a party Friday night, Saturday night, and now Sunday night, and we were just partied out. I love that the Brazilians love to celebrate Christmas and be together, but three nights in a row was enough. We had a fun few hours at the park and we're glad we went!

Nicoly and Emma, playing at the park. Sweet girls!!