Thursday, March 1, 2012

Emma's First Day. . .

One week after Adri was born, Emma had her first day of preschool. She was so excited to put her uniform on and pack her backpack. The day before, we sat down on the floor together and wrote her name on all her belongings. She had fun organizing everything and I loved that time with her. We talked about all the kids she was going to see and which ones she missed the most. I was so happy Kevin was able to be home and help me send her off to school. After lots of hugs, Emma and I walked the three blocks to school while Adri and Kevin snuggled. One of the advantages of moving to our apartment is the proximity to Emma's school. She loves walking to school. I love holding her hand while we walk. I also don't mind the little bit of exercise I get.
Emma with Riley, the new American girl (and her sister Mackenzie in the background). Emma thinks it's pretty great to have two other Americans in her class, Riley and Ethan.
Laura and Emma
The day before school started, Emma had a rough day. She knew she was going to have a new teacher because it's the beginning of the school year. She was absolutely in love with Profe Cris, her previous teacher, and she did not want a new one. She even said she didn't want to grow up and turn 5 because she didn't want a new teacher. She wouldn't even give her new teacher, Profe Elisandra, a hug when we walked into class. There were no tears, but it was very difficult to get her to smile next to her. Well, a few hours later, when I picked her up, she had decided that her new Profe wasn't so bad. "She's fun. Pretty. Nice. Funny. And she smiles a lot," were Emma's words. I'm SO thankful she had a great first day! Day 2 was super and she was all about giving hugs. She informed me that she no longer missed her old teacher because she could see her every once in a while in the hallway. I love how quickly she adapts to change. She's going to experience lots of change this year and I'm certain she'll grow through it all!