Thursday, March 1, 2012

No More Training Wheels. . .

Several weeks ago, we were out for a walk and saw another American family out with their two girls. The younger one was learning to ride her bike without training wheels. From that day on, Emma decided she wanted to learn to ride her bike without training wheels, too. Honestly, with her introverted personality and passive attitude toward anything physical, I didn't really think she'd want to do it. However, she has the best daddy in the world and he's an excellent coach and teacher. Two weeks ago, we took Emma and Adri to the JD parking lot. After interrupting Kevin a few times, I realized I needed to step back and just watch. It was an incredible morning and I loved watching Emma have her first riding lesson with her daddy. He's so patient and encouraging and he just kept cheering her on. He held on to her until she was balancing and then just let her go. She didn't even know she was riding on her own until quite a while later. She felt safe just knowing her daddy was next to her. He taught her how to balance, how to start and stop and how to brake. I was jumping up and down for her and I think she really loved it. She was full of concentration once she realized she was on her own. Apparently she sticks her tongue out when she's really focused on something. Check out the last few pictures. The more she concentrates, the further out the tongue goes! Kevin thinks that could be a hazard:)


(Yes, we're very aware that she's not wearing a helmet. The one we had didn't fit her and kept falling over her eyes. We figured that was more dangerous than not having one on. The second time we went out, we borrowed a helmet and made sure she was a little more safe!)