Thursday, March 1, 2012

Stan's Visit and a Princess Dress. . .

Last week we had a fun visit from an old friend. Stan and his wife Barbara arrived in Brazil just a few weeks after we did (almost three years ago). We got to know them and developed a friendship with them while they were here. Well, they had a different type of assignment than we did, so they were only here 18 months. It's now been almost 15 months since they left. Stan came back for work and we got to join him after dinner at Dom Pepe one night. So fun to see him! Barbara, who was like an aunt to me and grandma to Emma, sent some goodies for Adri and Emma. The dress she sent was a perfect fit and Emma was SO excited about it. She wore it the entire next day and danced and danced around! She was just as excited about the gift bag as she was the dress! She loves to give presents, so she was filling the bag over and over again and giving me gifts in it! Thank you SO much Stan and Barbara! We miss having you here!!

Our little Belle!