Thursday, March 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Horizontina. . .

These gauchos are one of the reasons I love Horizontina!! Tuesday was the city's birthday so Kevin had the day off work. I was in the party room riding the stationary bike and Emma was riding her scooter. I thought I heard a horse down below, so I told Emma to go check it out. She turned around and said, "No, it's not one horse! It's a TON of horses!!" I thought by a ton, she meant like four or five. Nope, it was closer to fifty!! Of course the gauchos would be out celebrating the birthday. These people really hold on to the past and traditions. I'm always amazed to see their passion for their history, passed down from generation to generation. There's something really incredible about it to me. Happy Birthday, Horizontina!! So happy we could celebrate with you. Oh, and thanks for a day off during the week!