Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sherman County Fair. . .

 Two of my favorite memories from our trip to Goodland are running with two of my sisters and going to the Sherman County Fair. One morning I ran with my sister Linda and another morning I ran with Lori. I was happy. I was reminded of my childhood and of runs along the country roads. It's so flat around my dad's house. It felt so good to get out and breathe the clean air there. I enjoyed that time with my sisters and was proud that we're in our 30s and still able to get out and run!
On Friday night, Lori and Jane and I took our kids to the fair in Goodland. I can't remember the last time I was at the fairgrounds and so many memories came flooding back. I recognized so many faces, but I couldn't pull their names out of my distant memory. The sounds and smells made me almost feel like a child again. Then I remembered that I had my own child to take care of, so I returned to reality:)
My nephew Caleb, and niece Jessi had pigs and goats so we went to the stables to watch the sale. Emma and I were in the process of reading Charlotte's Web again, so she loved getting to see a real pig! She kept searching for Charlotte, to no avail.
It's a little off, but Emma and her cousin Olivia are in front of their cousin Caleb's goats. Caleb enjoyed showing us around and seemed very proud of his pigs.
This goat almost took a bit out of Emma's hair!!
The Ferris Wheel was the most anticipated ride in the fairgrounds. Emma could not wait to ride and she was just giddy! We bought bracelets so we could ride as many rides as we wanted and then we headed towards the Ferris Wheel. As we waited, I could sense that Emma was beginning to get a little nervous. Olivia was ecstatic and not a bit nervous. I can't remember if Olivia suggested it or not, but somehow, the girls decided that they wanted to ride together. I should have known better! They stepped up to the front of the line and the worker helped them onto the bench. As I waved goodbye and Lori and I waited for our seat, I could see the fear rise up in Emma's face. Her hands gripped the bar in front of her and she said a nervous, "Mommy?" I smiled to assure her but inside I was thinking, "Oh crap." Lori and I sat down and the wheel continued to turn to let more people on. Each seat had to be filled, so there was constant stopping and starting. Before we had even reached the top, Emma was screaming and crying and in a full panic!! I was stuck in my seat, try to talk loud enough for her to hear me. She couldn't hear me over her own screaming. I'm pretty sure the entire community heard her screaming. It was pretty sad. I finally gave up trying to encourage her and after what seemed like forever, we were back around and the worker let her and Olivia off. Just before we excited, we were told that we could all ride together. The girls jumped in with Lori and me and the Ferris Wheel began to spin, with Emma having a death grip on my hands!!
This picture was taken shortly before the screaming commenced.
I was happy to have had the chance to ride with her. I would have been disappointed had she not experienced the Ferris Wheel in all its glory. Finally, when we were on the ground and she had taken a deep breath, she said, "Mom, I think the Ferris Wheel is my favorite ride in the world!!" I was speechless.
Love this view!
Lori and Olivia ended up going on the Spider. I tried to convince Emma that she would love it, but she chose to just watch. After seeing her cousin and aunt screaming, she said she was really happy she didn't go on that ride! I agreed. I'm glad I didn't allow her to be terrified again!
Actually, that's not true. I did make her go on the Tilt-a-Whirl, one of my favorite childhood rides. Again, Olivia was so excited and Emma was so nervous!
Lori and I sandwiched the girls in the middle. I told them our cart would only spin fast if we made it spin fast. They believed me. I'm apparently a liar. I tried and tried as a youth to spin the heck out of the Tilt-a-Whirl carts. I'm pretty sure I never spun quite like I did this night! Emma was screaming in my ear and begging me to save her but I'm pretty sure I didn't hear her very well over my own screaming! I was laughing and screaming so hard that my voice was hoarse when we finally got off the ride!! I think Olivia said something like, "That was awesome!"
Emma and I rode the Ferris Wheel again and then Lori treated the girls to cotton candy and a funnel cake. I secretly wanted to stay at the fair all night! I didn't want to be the responsible parent and take my child home to put her in bed. It was well after 10pm, though, and I finally had to call it a night! I loved getting to share that experience with Emma, even if there were a few screams involved! I think we might have to make it a tradition to visit the fair every year!!

1 comment:

erin said...

Shudder -- I still think the Ferris Wheel is one of the scariest rides!