Saturday, December 7, 2013

He Came Back!!!

We were so happy when our week without Kevin was over! It went by so quickly that I didn't really have time to be sad or lonely! Even so, life just isn't the same without him and I prefer to have him with me, not traveling!! The girls were ecstatic to see him and couldn't stop touching him.
Kevin even brought back a pair of Gaucha shoes for Adri. She wasn't a huge fan of them, but one day, when she realizes she's really a Brazilian, she'll wish they fit her again!
I loved hearing all the stories Kevin had to tell about his week in Horizontina. I miss the people and the culture and the smells and the sights! I've joked recently that our time in Brazil can be compared to childbirth. After a while, you forget the labor pains and the actual delivery and you just remember the amazing beauty of your newborn child. Sometimes I forget that there were some really painful aspects of living in Horizontina. I forget about the cockroaches and lizards and bats and the lack of some of my favorite foods. I forget about the longing I felt for family here and I forget that I cried a lot. Eighteen months after leaving there, I look back and just see an amazing season of our lives. I love the memories we made and I'm thankful for the ways I've grown because of that incredible opportunity!

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