Saturday, December 7, 2013

Loving Other Kiddos. . .

During the week that Kevin was in Brazil, we had a few little visitors at our house! Kylee came over one morning for a few hours and played so well with Emma and Adri. She is one of the sweetest little girls I've ever known! Her little voice is so precious and she just makes me smile every time I see her! Her parents are fairly new friends of ours and her mom is an amazing woman who has challenged me in ways I haven't been challenged in a long time! Her dad is the campus pastor at our church and is pretty awesome, too!
Love her!
Later that week, two sisters came over for the day. Charlie and Sawyer belong to some other friends of ours at church. Their dad is the worship pastor and their mom is another fun new friend of mine! I love getting to help my friends by keeping their kids. Emma loves it because she gets to have friends over to play! The days usually fly by and oftentimes it's easier for me to have other kids running around. I think I'm more productive because I have to plan better:)

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