Saturday, December 7, 2013

September Surprise!!!

I've had very few real, good surprises in my life. Emma's birth is one that tops the list, probably because I spent my entire pregnancy convinced I was having a boy! The shock of hearing, "It's a GIRL!" still makes me smile and shake my head! I was not prepared for that news, but I welcomed it gladly!
In 2012, just two months after Adri was born, we decided to make a surprise trip to the U.S. We only told Kevin's brother and a few friends that we were coming because we wanted to surprise Kevin's parents. Oh, surprise them we did! I recorded it and we often watch Marcy's reaction over and over and over because it was priceless. I was incredibly proud of us for pulling off such a great surprise! Never did I imagine that someone would attempt to do the same with me!
The day I ran the half marathon, we were driving somewhere when I looked over and saw Kevin deep in thought. I made him tell me what he was thinking, but he wouldn't divulge much. He just said he was thinking about surprising me and wanted to know if I'd be OK with a surprise or if I'd be upset. I figured he was planning something for my birthday and decided to let it be a surprise. I kept trying to get clues, but eventually let it go, knowing my birthday was over a month away. I'd have time to figure it out.
I spent a lot of time cleaning up the yard that week in hopes that we'd invite some friends over for a BBQ and S'Mores. Every time I mentioned it, Kevin changed the subject or acted like he wasn't really interested. I was a little bummed. Thursday night rolled around and I decided to take the longest shower of my life. It had been a long week and I wanted to relax after the girls were in bed. I let the hot water fall on me and just closed my eyes. I must have been in there for a long time because Kevin came in and asked if I was OK. Then he said he was waiting for me. I thought he meant he was waiting for me, so I quickly turned off the water and grabbed my towel. I took my time putting lotion on my face and combed my hair. Wearing only my towel, I stepped into our room and realized he wasn't in there. Just as I was about to call his name, I heard the doorbell ring. Confused because it was 9:30pm, I poked my head out our door and asked Kevin to answer the door. As he did, I heard female giggles and my curiosity was piqued. The front entryway was dark and I couldn't figure out why any girls would be visiting us at that time. I guessed maybe our high school babysitter and her friend were being silly. Once I realized that Kevin had let them in, I stepped back into my room to get dressed. Just as I turned my back, I heard screams and footsteps pounding up the stairs. A thousand thoughts flew through my mind as I tried to comprehend what was going on. Mind you, I was still in my towel!! I knew I didn't need to be afraid because Kevin had willingly let those females into our home. As they came up the stairs and around the corner into my room, I noticed their odd-looking faces and familiar hair. They were running at me and one of them was holding her phone, obviously recording my reaction. The masks they were wearing reminded me of a mask my grandpa had when I was growing up. With that in mind, and the familiar hair flowing around the masks, I began to recognize their body shapes and it hit me that these girls were two of my sisters! Surprised? Um, that's an understatement! I found it difficult to form words! All I could say is, "What are you doing here?" Lori lives in Fort Collins, Colorado and Janette lives north of Burlington, Colorado. 12 and 14 hours from here! Never did I imagine that they would show up on my doorstep unannounced!! Also, never did I imagine my husband would be in cahoots with my sisters for something like that! He later confessed it's the first time he's ever texted with another woman!
Here they are. They were much more terrifying at night when I was wearing only a towel!
After figuring out how they pulled off the surprise and welcoming them to my home, Janette and Lori said they'd better go get their kids out of the car! Suddenly I realized they weren't alone! Kevin had woken Emma up to watch my sisters scare me so she was awake to welcome her cousins!! Six of my nephews and nieces came through the door carrying pillows, sleeping bags and suitcases. Emma was just beside herself with excitement! We quickly figured out the sleeping arrangements and then the kids went to bed. After catching up for a few hours, I went to bed, still stunned but feeling very loved. I just never expected something like that!
Fortunately, we really didn't have a lot planned for that weekend. Having grown up on a farm, I knew my sisters would love visiting the John Deere Pavilion. I didn't have any doubts that their kids would love it, too. It's just a neat place to visit!
Emma, Adri, Joslyn, Olivia, Jasmin, Joshua, Jonathan and Joseph
After the Pavilion we visited the John Deere Store next to it.
We ate a quick lunch at the famous Lagomarcino's in Moline and then returned to the Iowa side to play by the Mississippi River. I so enjoyed myself and watching Emma play with her cousins.
While some of the kids took afternoon naps, I took Janette to a kids' consignment store where she found a ton of great deals! After dinner that night we took the kids to Whitey's for ice cream. Joseph, Janette's oldest son, ate Bubblegum ice cream and was just amazed. I think he thought the ice cream was the best part of the entire trip!
Saturday morning we went to my church to make fleece tie blankets for the Women's Choice Center. The blankets are then given to new moms who likely don't have enough money to purchase some necessities for their newborns. A warm fleece blanket is a fun gift that we were able to give! I think all the kids had a great time tying blankets and I was proud to introduce my sisters to my friends.
After tying blankets at the church, we went to Stone's Apple Barn to pick apples. Kevin and I had never been there so it was fun to share the new experience with family! The kids picked tons of apples and we made fresh juice for breakfast the next morning! It was delicious!
Emma Jae
They had so much fun together!
Janette and Jonathan
Even Adri had a great time!
Our crazy apple-picking clan!!
Across the road, there were animals for the kids to pet and a barn where the owners sold items made from the apples.
Since we were in the area, we decided to make a quick stop at the Shady Knoll Pumpkin Patch. We had a great time there, but we didn't end up going out to the patch for any pumpkins.
After afternoon naps, we all went to Saturday evening church and then came back home for a relaxing evening. The girls, minus Adri, had fun in the big bathtub and I sat there reminiscing about my baths as a little girl. I don't have any memories of ever taking a bath by myself until I was older! There were usually three of us in the tub at once! I'm sure we had fun. I'm not so sure we really got clean!
 Well, after a full weekend, Janette and Lori packed up the kids and headed out on Sunday morning. It was such a busy weekend and I was still in shock long after they left. I still can't believe they came and I can't believe my husband kept such a great secret from me! I'll have to be thinking of ways to return the favor some day! What an awesome, exciting gift! I am so thankful for their visit!

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