Thursday, January 2, 2014

More Kid Time. . .

October was a fun month of having other kids here. Most frequently, we had the Meyers' kids over. Their parents are friends of ours and their mom had to leave town for a few days at the beginning of the month. Because their dad still had to work, I offered to take the kids during the day. The two older ones were in school so I kept Charlie and Sawyer. Oh my goodness! They are adorable and definitely kept me on my toes!
The weather was beautiful so we had breakfast on the porch one morning.
One day we went to Chick-fil-A for lunch and got to pet a real parrot! The girls were shocked that he was really real!
Pumpkins were cheap so while Adri was sleeping one afternoon, I took the girls outside and let them paint away! I had as much fun as they did!
They climbed trees, ran around in the grass and just enjoyed being outside. I loved the weather in early October!! Charlie so loved being up in the tree!
Sawyer didn't think the tree was all that great.
Emma is my little tree lover. When it's nice out, I can be sure she'll be in a tree somewhere!
A few days after I kept the younger girls, their older brother and sister came over. Alex ended up staying all afternoon and evening with us while her brother went to hang out with his dad at the church, which is where he works. I took the girls down to the creek and we waded around and looked for tadpoles and baby frogs. Alex and Emma could have stayed in the creek all afternoon, but Charlie and Sawyer were ready to get out after ten minutes!
I love these little ladies!! I also love our creek!
After a long day of playing, I realized the girls all smelled like dirty creek water. They still had mud between their toes so I threw all four of them in the bathtub! There were lots of bubbles and lots of laughs and the water was a lovely brownish color after they all got out:)
I've always loved taking care of kids. It's fun to bless my friends now by taking care of their kids. I feel like I get to enjoy the kids and love on my friends:)

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