Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Parque das Aves - Bird Park

It rained again on our second day, so we decided to visit the bird park, which is partially covered by trees. It drizzled for part of our time there, but we didn't get near as wet as we did the day before! The birds didn't seem to mind the shower!

This bird seemed unamused by us, but he was a willing participant, so everyone took a turn touching him.

This picture makes me smile. I was just waiting for the two birds (possibly brothers) to attack Kevin and Steve. It didn't happen, but just the thought of it made me laugh.

I was OK with the bird on my shoulder until he started pulling my scarf off. His beak was so hard and I didn't know what to do. I was afraid if I moved he would bite my neck and I knew nobody would believe me if I told them that story. I just stood there, laughing, while goose bumps formed all over my body!! Finally, the bird guy took him off me and I relaxed. Holding birds for pictures is something I've decided I don't need to do much more of in life.

We're standing in Brazil. Argentina is behind us to the left and Paraguay is to the right. Tres Fronteiras is the name of the tourist spot. There's not much to see there, but it's kind of neat to be where three countries meet. This is where the Iguazu River (left) meets up with the Parana River (right). The Parana is the second largest river (after the Amazon) in South America.