Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Back Home with the Girls. . .

The day after I returned from Germany, I spent time catching up with the girls and just loving on them. It took most of the day for Adri to be OK with me. Emma was happy to see me and tell me all about her time at Grandma and Grandpa's, but she wasn't at all sad that I had been gone. She didn't seem to care and she was actually pretty upset that we were going to be packing up and leaving the next morning. I wasn't offended. I was just so happy that she had enjoyed herself so much!
Here's Grandma's little garden helper, picking green onions.
Every day I was gone, Emma went to the barn to take care of the kittens. She spent time trying to tame them and even gave them all names! She was so content to love on those kitties!
Adri and Eddie became friends. "Eh-eee" wasn't her favorite friend when we arrived, but by the time we left, she couldn't stop saying his name! Now, every time we see a black dog, she says, "Eh-eee!!!"
Picking green beans. . .

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