Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Family Time. . .

On our first full day at my dad's, we were able to see tons of family! My sister Marilyn and her whole family (husband and nine kids) drove up from Oklahoma to hang out. Three of my brothers and three of my sisters, along with their families, were all at my dad's house for pizza! There were kids everywhere! I'd love to say that Emma played with all her cousins, but she pretty much kept to herself and watched the action from a distance. At one point, I did find her jumping on a mini-trampoline with the cousins who were closer to her age. She was having a blast with them. Again, it's times like those that make me want to live closer to family. Emma has 45 cousins on my side, but she's never lived close to any of them. We'll have to make up for that by visiting them more often. . . someday. I felt so blessed to have seen so many of my siblings. It really meant a lot to me that people made it work and it was just so good to see and hug everyone!!